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  2. Live training
  3. Live info and training webinars

Live training webinar

Are you a new user in the coaching portal? Or do you need a refresher regarding the coaching portal?

Lingio offers open information and training sessions where you can get all the necessary information to use the coaching portal in the smoothest and most efficient way possible.

We will cover how the AI course creator works, how you can make the most out of the coaching portal, and where to find informational materials. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions.

Please note that these are open meeting sessions. If you have any questions or concerns regarding a specific portal, feel free to contact our support directly for assistance.

How do I participate in the meeting?

New! To join an information and training session (Teams), simply click on the date below that suits you best and register through the link. A confirmation email will be sent to you with a link to the information meeting.

We invite you to join our information and training session on the following dates:


Information will be updated shortly.

Information will be updated shortly.

Information will be updated shortly.

Information will be updated shortly.

Warm welcome!